Welcome to the 2020s! It appears that we live in a world where truth is as malleable as an old piece of PlayDough, and the constant onslaught of head-scratching logic used to deny lived experiences can be exhausting. We're tired. You're tired. It's been a hard year. A hard four years. Hell it's been a hard life for most of us, and sometimes you just need to kick back and make fun of it all.
Cocktails & Chemtrails is meant to capture the sheer inanity of "truth" and how easily it can be bent to an agenda using any number of logical fallacies, skewed anecdotes, and charisma. Except the agendas here are fun, and probably won't result in a global pandemic.
Grab your copy below. Make sure you play safely with your friends. We love you.
Pick the ridiculous reality that speaks to your heart. Have you always wondered if magic is real? What if humans actually came from Mars? And there's always that pesky Mandela Effect making the idea of a widespread mind control experiment just a bit more compelling...Choose your favorite--or least favorite--theory and get ready to twist a lot of truths in order to convince your pals it's the most legit of them all.
Pick from Flawless Logic cards to defend your arguments. Of course humans came from Mars. How else do you explain the existence of polydactyl cats? Those extra toes didn't just evolve. It's clearly from some sort of Martian feline descendant. The more ridiculous your logic the better, and the more effectively you can spin your evidence, the higher chance you have of confusing your opponents so profoundly that they have no choice but to agree with you.
Every heated debate needs conflict, and have we got some for you! Any player can contest any other player's argument by calling Bullshit and co-opting the evidence to prove their own theory. Up against an argument even you can't refute? Reward convincing drivel with a Seems Legit card. It doesn't mean they're right, it just mean they'll be even more disappointed when you crush them on your next turn.
Cocktails & Chemtrails is designed to be an easy party game that encourages friendly banter (seriously, don't be an asshole, okay?), is playable in about 45 minutes to an hour, and conducive to distractions and players needing to swap in and out when needed. If you enjoy collaborative improv games like Cards Against Humanity, Aye Dark Overlord, Punderdome, Slash, or the Jackbox Party Packs, you'll probably enjoy Cocktails & Chemtrails.
Content Note:
We understand that "fake news," "alternative facts," and conspiracy theories can dip into some pretty cringey territory, and will be doing our darndest to avoid anything that might leave a bad taste in players' mouths. That means nothing with actual real-life casualties or anything couched in overt racism. This is supposed to be fun, not triggering. Honestly? We made most of this garbage up, anyway.