Embrace the strange otherworldliness of the great cross country road trip by visiting the places that time and the laws of physics have forgotten.
Keep one eye on the road and the other on your friends, just in case they wander off. And when you're done dodging strange entities and portals to other dimensions, be sure to grab souvenirs for the folks back home!
Tourist Trap is currently being playtested. If you're interested in contributing, shoot us a message!
on the
Travel along the sunbaked highways of America's roads less traveled and discover just what lurks in the small towns, rest areas, and roadside diners hidden along the way. You might not have a particular goal in mind, but that's fine--it's about the journey, not the destination.
Just keep your eyes peeled as you go along, because it's starting to seem like you're not the only one on the road that's getting hungry.
Every mile brings you to a different, unique place, and every place has a story to tell. Visit The City, where everything is grey--including the people. Meet The Cat, who is able to help you, and might even do so. Pick up a souvenir, like a cheap tourist magnet, that for some reason sticks only to flesh.
Leave what you know in the world you've left behind, and suddenly things might start to make sense.
Eventually, you must succumb to the desires of the asphalt and the whims of the otherworldly denizens that call it home. Make a pact with eyeless truckers; dodge tar black shades creeping up from potholes; make memories that last only as long as it takes you to drive away.
And be careful not to leave anything of yourself behind, lest the Road call you back to travel its hungry miles just when you think you're safe.
at some of what you might discover

It shows the name of whoever holds it and STILL spells yours wrong somehow.
Take a penny, leave a penny, but don’t look too close at the penny or your head begins to hurt.

Sharp like a knife, the glare of the afternoon sun comes for your eyes with a vengeance you never knew possible for something without form.

Bright orange cones stop you from taking your exit. You curse and resume driving, only to find your exit fully functional a mile down the road.

The car has been making a strange noise for the past three miles, but you only force yourself to pull over when smoke starts pouring from the engine. Grudgingly, one of you calls roadside assistance, and all seems to be going according to plan until you mention what mile marker you’re at.
“Are you sure you need help?” the dispatcher says, her voice carrying a note of concern. You shrug and try the engine again. Bewilderingly, it starts without issue, smoke, or noise. You hang up and continue on your way.
This time help simply shows up, unrequested. A mechanic hops from his car and gets to work without a word. What looks like oil slowly drips from the hood, but as you squint, it starts to appear more like blood. Alarmed, you look at the mechanic, and see him eagerly shoving what appears to be entrails back into your car’s engine. He turns and grins, his face bloody and his mouth too wide. “All fixed, folks.”
You ask how much you owe him. “Nothin’,” he replies. “Yet.” The man walks back to his tow truck, waves, and hits the road.